St. Peter’s Westville: Jesus Christ’s Love - everyday!
24 Konigkramer Ave, Berea West, Durban, 3629 | Sundays @ 07:45 & 09:30 AM New Here?Watch ServicesSunday Service Times
1st Sunday of Every Month
(Combined English Services)
09:00 am
Normal Service Times
Interview with Bishop Helmut Paul
Why did you want to become a pastor?
That’s a good question! I’ve asked myself this many times (my children also ask this question sometimes). Maybe I just wanted to get my words out. I still have my grandmother’s voice in my ear: “Helmut, you speak so much, you will certainly become a pastor”. In the meantime, I have learned that the mouth or the tongue is probably not the most important organ of a pastor, but rather the ear, or as Solomon’s wish was, “a listening heart” (1 Kings 3:9). I was moved to study the “trustworthy saying that … Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” (1 Timothy 1:15). I wanted to bring this word to others – both in the church and outside.
– Full Interview LINK (CLICK HERE)

Our Pastor: Pastor Helmut Paul
Our Mission & Vision
We have received the love of Christ, His care, His life, and this we want to live, share and give. We want to be a caring church, through Christ´s love get into the hearts, minds and the necessities of the community. We don´t want to change and adapt the Gospel of Christ in order to accommodate to the community and the times we live in, rather we want to go out into the community with this Gospel to make a difference, to change, to touch lives, reach out, and let the community in, welcome them with open arms, open hands. Called to be “his people, and the sheep of his pasture” (Psalm 100:3), we want to go out, calling people with the voice of the chief Shepherd and bringing them under His care.

Divine Service: We value the Divine Service, where God speaks and has us receive his gifts through His Word and His sacraments. We answer with confessing our sins, confessing our faith, with thanksgiving, songs, and prayer.
Teaching: We value teaching for young and old. We have been entrusted with a rich teaching tradition in the Lutheran Church and use it especially to instruct the children.
Fellowship: We value being together as a congregation. We also meet in different interest and age groups. We look at ways to connect people in the congregation with one another.
Music: Many members are involved in adding to our song and praise, with various musical instruments and participation in the choir or the brass band of our congregation. Music also forms part of our everyday life in the congregation.
Stewardship: We value good stewardship. This can be seen by people investing their talents and time into the work of the congregation and God´s kingdom. The finances are well kept, as are the facilities.
Care: We value taking care of those in need, especially those in the congregation. But we also extend help in the mission field and to social work. We look at ways to help people with the gifts which we have been given.
Outreach: We look at ways and means to reach the “lost”, to confess Christ to our everyday neighbor, and support the mission work in our area and in the broader Southern Africa.
Children Ministry
WHAT WE DO: Every Sunday there is Sunday School during the sermon of the Divine Service. Every year there is a Christmas Play in Advent. The children also sing at some events that are hosted by our congregation.
– for more info CALL or WHATSAPP Daniela Straeuli

WHAT WE DO: Grade 3-5 children are introduced to the basic teachings of the Lutheran Church. Grade 6-7 receive classes leading up to confirmation. At the end of their confirmation class year, we go on a confirmation camp. New membership classes take place on an ad hoc basis.
– for more info CALL or WHATSAPP Pastor Helmut Paul
Youth and Friends
WHAT WE DO: On the third Sunday afternoon (14h00-17h00) of each month the Youth of our congregation come together and bring along their friends. Bible Studies, Sport, and other activities form part of these meetings.
– for more info CALL or WHsATSAPP Sheldon Schroeder

Mum´s Meet U
WHAT WE DO: Once a Month. Every second Friday of the Month (8h30-10h00) the mums meet up and spend time together, supporting each other through this beautiful gift called motherhood.
for more info CALL or WHATSAPP Sylke Johannes
Woman in the Word
WHAT WE DO: Once a month, women of all ages spend time together reflecting on God’s Word and its relevance in their various vocations. These gatherings take place on a Saturday morning (8h30- 9h30)
– for more info CALL or WHATSAPP Inge Hillermann

Men´s Coffee Conversations
WHAT WE DO: Once a month, men meet to reflect on God´s Word and what it means to be men in this world. These gatherings take place in Ballito on a Thursday morning (6h00), and in Westville on a Friday morning (6h15).
for more info CALL or WHATSAPP Pastor Helmut Paul
Senior Get Together
WHAT WE DO: This group meets once a month on a Tuesday morning (10h00-11h30) to study God´s Word and enjoy time of fellowship with tea or coffee AND cake.
– for more info CALL or WHATSAPP Pastor Helmut Paul

Bible Study
WHAT WE DO: Every Wednesday (19h00-20h30) this group meets to study God´s Word.
for more info CALL or WHATSAPP Pastor Helmut Paul
WHAT WE DO: The organists accompany the hymns and liturgy and very often musicians (clarinets, recorders, violins) join in and enrich various parts in the Divine Service.
The choir also sings mainly on festive Sundays or other occasions such as baptism or confirmation. For this they practice on Sundays before or after one of the Divine Services.
– for more info CALL or WHATSAPP Angelika Ringelmann

Brass Band
WHAT WE DO: The brass band also often plays in the Divine Service and regularly comes together on Thursday evenings (18h45-20h00) to practice.
for more info CALL or WHATSAPP Berndt Wichmann
Carol singing with the Durban City Orchestra (DCO)
WHAT WE DO: Once a year the St Peter´s congregation, together with the DCO hosts a carol singing event.

Get IN Touch
Contact & Visiting Info
Physical Address
24 Konigkramer Ave, Berea West, Durban, 3629
SunDAYS @ 07:45AM & 9:30AM
Phone Number
Pastor Helmut Paul